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Airplane delay serve for vegetarian people

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Flight JT230 today 29 july 2016 has been delay about more than 2 hours. Well customer get special serve, cfc for dinner, but how about the lucky vegetarian people? They also give the same dinner.. What ? The crew only said, sorry bu, we didn't understand what is VG, and i am Rizky, the new joiner girl. Ok, then who is your supervisor ? Guess what, just silent i got. yeah, wait a while, we confirm first. Ok, about an hour waiting for confirmation but nothing until i ask for myself. Andre Cristian, maybe as they supervisor give the answer, sorry.. If delay we only serve cfc cause we have agreement with them.. Well, hello guys, what r u thinking about from this lion service? Good job for lion, but hope you will more respect with VG people...

Source : suratpembaca

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